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Tutorial: Woodworking with FreeCAD

Part 6: Technical Drawing


In the Woodworking workbench, there’s a button to create a cutlist for the manufacturing of the nightstand. If you have too much items here, it might be time to remove the extra table top I control-z’d in the past.

Cutlist button

If you press on it, press the create spreadsheet button on the bottom of the new window and a cutlist will be created.


As you can see, there’s four legs, 8 crossbars, 3 side panels, 1 table top and 2 shelves.

Technical drawing

Insert a page

To create a technical drawing to explain how to actually build the design I would recommend to create a separate document, such as an LibreOffice Writer document to go along with the drawings.

Open the TechDraw workbench.

Click on the Insert default page button. This will create a new page which already has a template. Another button looks a lot like this one, so be sure to find the correct one.

Insert default page button

Insert view

You can now add objects from your project to this page. For example, click on a leg (with the dowel cut out) in the tree view and then click on the Insert view button. Remember that the current view in your 3D viewport is also the angle at which the object will be inserted into your TechDraw page. For instance, click on the Right in the navigation cube to get the absolute Right view of your selection. This makes the cut out visible. If it asks to which page to insert, choose the one you just created.

Insert view

A View was created as a child node of your Page. Click on the View and then click on the Data tab in the Combo View and find Scale Type. Click on Automatic and then click on an empty area in the screen. Click on the dotted edge to draw the object around on your page.


Insert dimensions

We can use the Insert Dimension buttons to add dimension to our Technical Drawing.

Insert dimension buttons

For instance, click on the hole, control click on the bottom edge of the leg and press the Insert vertical dimension button. Make sure your had nothing selected beforehand. You can do the same thing with edges, radii and other dimensions. If your dimension are off to what you designed, be sure to have a perfect angle in the 3D viewport before inserting the view into the tech draw.

You can export what you created to an SVG file for example and add it to another document with further instructions.

Dimensions added, example of a technical drawing